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Gambling Superstitions – How to Be Lucky in Gambling

John Ford | January 25, 2021 | Updated on: January 11th, 2024

gambling superstitions

It goes without saying that where games of luck are in question, gambling superstitions exist. Sure, some games have set strategies, but luck is always involved in winning at online casino games.

Psychologists have done studies looking into why gambling superstitions are so popular. Many have concluded that people may develop fallacies based on the events of a gaming session.

So, what can bring you good or bad gambling luck?

Our experts have taken some time to look at various superstitions. While some may have made sense at some time, the same can’t be said today.

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Good Luck To Bring To Casino

good luck gambling superstitions

5 Lucky Gambling Superstitions

There are several things players do to bring themselves luck at the casino table. Whether it works is a different story. There are plenty of movies where actors make bets and win based on superstition.

In real life, some players will wear a particular item or bet on a lucky number. But it doesn’t end there. Here is a list of things believed to improve your online gambling luck:

  • Ritual – some players perform rituals before rolling the dice, a hand is dealt or spinning the roulette wheel. Some popular rituals include blowing on the dice, stacking the chips in a particular way, or even crossing your fingers.
  • Lucky charm – some players believe in a lucky charm will bring luck their way. This may include a four-leaf clover, a horseshoe, a rabbit foot, lucky underwear, a ring, or a necklace.
  • Lucky numbers – this is a common fallacy that takes into consideration the significance of numbers. Some are based on religion and Chinese culture, among other inspirations. Such numbers include birthdays, anniversaries, number of children, or the favorite number 7.
  • Lucky colors – similar to numbers, some players overemphasize the impact of colors on your game. The most popular belief is that red is associated with good luck as it is a color of prosperity. So, if you want to be really lucky, you should be wearing red underwear to casinos.
  • Blowing on the dice – some players believe that adding your special touch to the dice before will bring victory. However, many dishonest players have used this technique to cheat by covering one side of the die with a sticky substance so that the required number lands. We don’t recommend trying this.
gambling superstitions that lead to bad luck

4 Unlucky Casino Superstitions

Some players also believe in superstitions that can bring you bad luck while gambling. Some of the most popular beliefs include:

  • Counting your money at the table – this is only relevant at land-based casinos. It is said that counting your money before the game finished or immediately after winning is not a good move. It is in bad taste.
  • Singing or whistling – sure, if you play online, you will be in the comfort of your own home, but singing or whistling supposedly angers the gambling gods. If you are trying to win, we suggest you keep your lips zipped.
  • Crossing your legs – crossing your legs is seen as bad luck when you gamble as it is seen as crossing out your luck. You may want to sit up with your legs up or on the ground to win.
  • Unlucky number – number 13 is the infamous unlucky number feared in many cultures. The same goes for gambling, but this isn’t the only number shunned. In Chinese culture, the number 4 is a homophone for the word death. So, that may be a number to avoid, too.
chinese casino superstitions

Chinese Gambling Superstitions

Many Chinese supernatural superstitions revolve around gambling. From colors to lucky numbers, everything seems to have a secondary meaning. Even being a man or a woman, it seems.

With women, it is believed that betting during your menstrual cycle will bring lots of luck. With men, being accompanied by your partner is also good luck. However, it doesn’t end there. Having sex before gambling is said to bring bad luck.

Furthermore, if you are on a losing streak, wash your hands to wash away the bad juju. Also, no one should touch your shoulder while you gamble as it could mess up your feng shui.
bad casino superstitions

Should You Believe In Gambling Superstitions?

Many superstitions have made the rounds over the years. It makes sense fallacies would exist around losing money. Sometimes, people can’t accept that games are random.

Whether you insist on kissing your partner for luck or refuse to accept payouts in $50 bills, these acts do not affect whether you win or lose.

When you play online, some of these superstitions are unnecessary to remember, but you can try wearing something red. Whether or not you believe in superstitions, gambling is lots of fun.

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